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Please complete the below form to chat with one of our friendly team. Once we receive your message, we will be in touch to answer any questions you have and book you in for an appointment. Alternatively, you can call us on (02) 9262 7778 or use our Online Chat between 8:00am until 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.
Expert Insight into the Lifespan and Maintenance of Dental Crowns Near You

Expert Insight on the Lifespan & Maintenance of Dental Crowns Near You

Dental crowns, a renowned remedy for fortifying and enhancing the aesthetics of compromised teeth, stand as a prevalent choice among individuals seeking restoration. Curious about their longevity? The endurance of a dental crown hinges on multiple determinants such as the chosen material, the caliber of dental maintenance, and the extent of usage it endures. Seeking quality dental crowns near me? Explore the durability and care aspects with us.

Types of Dental Crowns and Their Durability:

  • Porcelain Crowns: Known for their aesthetic appeal, porcelain crowns are often used for front teeth. They can last for many years with proper oral hygiene.
  • Porcelain Fused to Metal (PFM) Crowns: These crowns offer a balance of strength and aesthetics. They can withstand moderate wear and tear while looking like natural teeth.
  • Metal Crowns: Typically made from gold or other alloys, metal crowns are extremely durable and ideal for back teeth that undergo significant chewing pressure.

Factors Affecting Crown Longevity:

  • Oral Hygiene: Regular brushing and flossing are crucial in extending the life of your crown.
  • Dental Care: Regular check-ups with your dentist can help identify and address any issues with your crown early on.
  • Wear and Tear: Avoiding habits like teeth grinding and chewing hard foods can prevent premature wear.

Proper Care for Dental Crowns:

To ensure your crown lasts a long time, maintain good oral health practices. Brush and floss daily, and use a mouthguard if you grind your teeth. Regular dental check-ups are also vital to monitor the condition of both your crown and natural teeth.

In conclusion, with proper care and attention, dental crowns can last a long time, effectively restoring and protecting a weak tooth while maintaining your oral health and smile.

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